Neo4j Perform Database is a highly scalable, robust native graph database
Let’s take a closer look at Neo4j.
Neo4j is a NoSQL database classified as a Graph Database management system (GDBMS). The term NoSQL refers to database technologies that are developed as an alternative to relational database systems, often providing high scalability, flexibility and performance. The main difference of neo4j is that it represents the data as a graph (graph).
Graph databases are a structure modeled by data using nodes (nodes) and the relationships between these nodes (relationships) Decently. This structure allows to be able to directly and Decipherably represent real-world entities and the relationships between these entities. For example, data such as relationships between users and users on social networks, categories of products, and relationships between these categories can be expressed using the graph database model. Decryption Decryption can be performed by using the graph database model.
The main features of Neo4j are:
- Graf Database Model: Neo4j uses a node- and relationship-based graf database model. Nodes are the basic building blocks of data and can be identified by labels. Relationships refer to connections Decoupled between nodes and can be named and routed.
- ACID Compatibility: Neo4j supports ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) properties. These features are important for the reliability, integrity and consistency of the database.
- High Performance: Neo4j offers optimized performance in accordance with the nature of the graph data structure. Graf query operations can be performed quickly with node- and relationship-based indexing and high-performance graf algorithms.
- Flexibility and Extensibility: Neo4j provides flexibility in the data model and new nodes, relationships and properties can be added. In addition, it offers high scalability on distributed systems.
- Rich Query Language (Cypher): Neo4j has a query language called Cypher. Cypher is used to query graph data, manipulate it, and retrieve the results. Queries, nodes, relationships, and properties